

Author:admin 2022-06-07 18:22 Hot:0

The Company is a limited company incorporated in Bermuda and is an investment holding company. We started business in 1988 and became a Hong Kong listed company (HKSC: 1682) in October 2010. The Group is principally engaged in (I) garment sourcing, and (II) provision of financial services.




We are a well-developed sourcing group. We provide our customers a comprehensive range of services covering the entire supply chain of garment products. We source garment products for our customers and we also provide them with a comprehensive range of sourcing management services and expertise, including product design and product development, sampling, product offering, sourcing, in-house production, outsourcing, logistics and delivery and overseas sales capabilities.


We have extensive sub-contracting factories in China, Cambodia, Indonesia, Jordan and Bangladesh, etc.




The Group from time to time reviews its existing operations and explores other business opportunities with a view to diversify the its business. The Group commenced a new business segment of provision of financial services which includes asset management, finance lease, pawn and money lending business in 2018. Against this backdrop, the Group has been focusing on accelerating its strategic plan in the China and Hong Kong markets, further enriching its product offerings and enhancing its financial service system, with an aim to rapidly enhance its business scale and seize the PRC and Hong Kong markets. The Group considers that the demand for financial services is significant and the industry is vibrant in both China and Hong Kong. These new business activities will provide a good opportunity for the Group to diversify its revenue stream, which is expected to benefit the Company and its Shareholders as a whole.


Under the money lending business, Golden Maximum Finance Limited (“Golden Maximum”), an indirectly wholly-owned subsidiary of the Group and a money lender license holder under the Money Lenders Ordinance (Cap. 163 of the laws of Hong Kong), offers both secured and unsecured loans to borrowers, which primarily include individuals and corporations in Hong Kong or the PRC. The borrowers of Golden Maximum under the money lending business are mainly introduced to the Group by referral by the close business partners or customers of the Group and are with sound credit records. The money lending business generates revenue and profit by way of interest income. The money lending business is financed by the internal resources of the Group.


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